Biomass Hydraulic Briquette Press

Mechanical Stamping Briquette press

  • Power: 35-61.5kw
  • Capacity: 500-1000kg/h
  • Application: Mechanical stamping briquette press can make both biomass briquettes and biomass pellets with sawdust, straw, rice husk, wooden material etc.

Mechanical briquetting press is a pressing and forming machine for compressing the wood chips, sawdust, crop straws and forest residual into solid fuel with a whole process including crushing, compressing, forming and etc. It's usually used in large industry for making biofuel briquettes or pellets, so it can also be named industrial briquette maker or industrial briquette press.

Video of Mechanical Stamping Briquette Press

φ22mm pellets, φ70mm briquettes

Parameter of Mechanical Stamping Briquette Machine

Item Detail
Main Parts Briquetting machine
Control cabinet
Capacity 0.8-1.2 t/hr
Density 1000-1300kg/m3
Power of Main Engine 45KW
Weight 7000kg
Overall Dimension Host machine: 3.4mX2mX1.8m
Control cabinet: 1.2mX0.6mX1.2m
Number of Operator 2
Installation Space About 80㎡

Production of Moulds with Different Pore Size

Mould (Pore Size) 8mm 10mm 22mm 30mm 70mm
Hole Number 61 37 7 4 1
capacity (kg)
(Material is sawdust with moisture15%)
950 kg 900 kg 820 kg 880 kg 1200 kg

Main Part of Industrial Briquette Maker

briquette machine for briquettes briquette machine for pellets
Briquette Press with Briquette Mould Briquette Press with Pellet Mould
briquetting mould parts pelletizing mould parts
Briquetting Mould Parts Pelletizing Mould Parts

This industry briquette maker machine is characterized by low power consumption, easy to operate, high production efficiency, long service life and low maintenance  frequency. Sawdust briquette could substitute for conventional energy like coal and oil.
It is widely used in the heating system, residential cooking, fireplace and flue-cured tobacco by industrial tobacco producing grower, governments, enterprises and domestic services. Also, it is a good feedstock used in biomass power plants.

Mechanical Stamping Briquette Plant

flowchart of biomass briquette plant

Biomass Briquette Plant
Mechanical Stamping Briquette Plant in Turkey

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